Tess Branklin recaps the COS after-work field trip to Millennium Park on August 5, 2024.
Read MoreField trip co-leader leader Chris Holden recaps the July 19 COS trip to Humboldt Park..
Read MoreField trip leader and COS board member Vinod Babu recaps the July 7 COS trip to Orland Grasslands.
Read MoreField trip participant Lauren Kostas recaps the June 20 COS trip to Wild Mile.
Read MoreWhen planning began for the Year of the Peregrine, our friends at the museum’s bird division were more than happy to open their doors and give us a chance to learn more about peregrines through the lens of their carefully preserved collections….
Read MoreAt sundown on June 8 in Iroquois County State Wildlife Area, an awesome group of birders flocked over and got together in search of Eastern Whip-poor-wills, the cryptic insectivorous nightjar that evades sight but sings beautifully in the dark.
Read MoreSeven COS members joined together on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at Graceland Cemetery on the north side of Chicago.
Read MoreOn Memorial Day, 14 birders met at Horner Park to join COS’s first ever bird walk dedicated to Female Bird Day!
Read MoreOn the sunny morning of June 7, six birders made it out to the Bill Jarvis Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Lincoln Park and gathered at the Sanctuary’s Viewing Platform.
Read MoreField trip leader Chris Holden recaps the May 23 COS after work trip to Humboldt Park.
Read MoreField trip leader Vinod Babu recaps the May 18 COS field trip to River Park.
Read MoreField Trip Report editor Kris Hansen recaps the May 18 Birding from Boats event, an outing jointly sponsored by the Friends of the Chicago River and the Chicago Ornithological Society.
Read MoreField trip leader Vinod Babu recaps the May 12 COS field trip to North Park Village Nature Center.
Read MoreUnder Chicago's sunny cool day on May 11, a group of 11 awesome birders got together to get a glimpse of who had stopped at McKinley Park while on their migration path. During introductions, the team got an early start with a beautiful Common Yellowthroat prancing in its own bush.
Bajo el día fresco pero soleado en Chicago en 11 mayo, un grupo de 11 increíbles observadores de aves se reunieron para echar un vistazo a quién se había detenido en McKinley Park durante su ruta migratoria. Durante las introducciones, el equipo comenzó temprano con una hermosa mascarita común bailando en su propio arbusto.
Read MoreField trip leader Vinod Babu recaps the May 10 COS field trip to Montrose Point and Dunes.
Read MoreWriter Brighten Jelke recaps the April 29 COS after work field trip to Montrose Dunes and Point.
Read MoreField trip leader Christine Williamson recaps the May 12 COS field trip to Montrose Beach and Jarvis Bird Sanctuary.
Read MoreWriter Shelley Weinberg recaps the May 11 COS field trip to Humboldt Park.
Read MoreThe trip on Sunday, May 5, at Linne Woods started well for me before any of the participants even arrived as a number of birds put on a show in the parking area: Baltimore Orioles, a singing Northern Waterthrush and a Mourning Dove doing a display flight, gliding in a wide circle around the parking lot. As folks arrived, we started trying to spy the waterthrush and other singers, to no avail, but we were amazed by a Broad-winged Hawk flying close overhead.
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