

We are always looking for volunteers! Whether you want to get your hands dirty with habitat restoration or help out with managing administrative tasks on your computer from home, COS has a variety of opportunities for all skill levels.

See what activities we have going on below. Let us know what category you’d be interested in by emailing ChicagoBirder@gmail.com.


Field Trips

Want to lead outings and help our community learn about birds? Or do you want to work with us to decide where we bird together to expand our enthusiasm for birds in Chicago? Join our Field Trip Committee.



Our organization needs administrative support to work! We have plenty of opportunities to volunteer remotely from anywhere. Membership management, emailing our community, and updating the website are some of the ways you can help.



Help plan content or write for our magazine, The Chicago Birder, the COS Blog, our website on Squarespace or eNewsletter. We also need folks to help drive our social media accounts - Facebook, X and Instagram.


Habitat Restoration

Help remove invasive plants, install new native plantings, survey our habitats or help plan for new projects. Our project at LaBagh Woods has been going since 2014 and we are developing more opportunities in this area.


Events and Programs

Help plan our annual fundraiser, virtual and in-person events throughout the year, from casual socials to presentations by renowned experts in the birding field. We also participate in local birding festivals and nature events and need COS members to help out.


Advocacy and Conservation

Identify and build advocacy campaigns to bring attention to important issues impacting birds in the Chicago area. We aim to have our voices heard by city and county leadership as well as educating our community. Our conservation work ranges from field work like the Nighthawk Project and monitoring endangered Piping Plovers to contacting developers, landowners, City Council where human activities are threatening birds.