Field Trip: Beginning Birder Walk at Graceland Cemetery

Seven people with binoculars in front of the fountain in a cemetery

words and photos by Christine and Geoff Williamson

Seven COS members joined together on Saturday, June 15, 2024, at Graceland Cemetery on the north side of Chicago for a beginning birder walk.

The weather was clear and sunny, providing good light for viewing the birds within the 119 acres of the site.

Seen from below, a bird with a blue cap, reddish throat and sides and white belly, perched on a twig.

Eastern Bluebird.

We saw 10 American Crows soon after we entered the grounds. Other interesting finds included a male and female Eastern Bluebird, a small flock of 10 Cedar Waxwings, and House Finches. We also observed a Chipping Sparrow feeding a fledgling Brown-headed Cowbird that was twice its size.

Most exciting were the views of a Cooper's Hawk nest filled with three young birds being fed by one of the adults.

Two large raptor chicks on a nest, with white faces, reddish feathers on the tops of their heads and on their chests, dark streak through their eyes, and brown wings.

Cooper’s Hawk near-fledglings.

All together we saw 22 species during the morning.

More beginning birder tours are coming soon, so check this website if you are interested in joining one.

Field TripKris Hansen