Field Trip: Beginning Birder Walk at Graceland Cemetery
words and photos by Christine and Geoff Williamson
Seven COS members joined together on Saturday, June 15, 2024, at Graceland Cemetery on the north side of Chicago for a beginning birder walk.
The weather was clear and sunny, providing good light for viewing the birds within the 119 acres of the site.
Eastern Bluebird.
We saw 10 American Crows soon after we entered the grounds. Other interesting finds included a male and female Eastern Bluebird, a small flock of 10 Cedar Waxwings, and House Finches. We also observed a Chipping Sparrow feeding a fledgling Brown-headed Cowbird that was twice its size.
Most exciting were the views of a Cooper's Hawk nest filled with three young birds being fed by one of the adults.
Cooper’s Hawk near-fledglings.
All together we saw 22 species during the morning.
More beginning birder tours are coming soon, so check this website if you are interested in joining one.