Read the latest of Dan Lory’s Thursday thoughts on birds of the Chicago region. Well, except that this week, we’re venturing a bit outside the region to talk about the Black-backed Woodpecker.
Birds in at least six states in the Midwest, the south and the District of Columbia are becoming ill or dying from a thus-far unidentified disease that affects neurological function and causes crusting, swelling and blindness to birds’ eyes.
Chicago Ornithological Society (COS) strongly supports the accessible path project at the Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary.The inclined and wood-chipped entrances have prevented people with disabilities from enjoying one of the premier birding locations in Chicago.
There are numerous examples of our trash killing and inflicting deep suffering on wildlife, from birds to fish to reptiles. Now Monty and Rose’s current brood of four could be among the victims.
Like many organizations suddenly faced with reduced or nonexistent in-person programs in March of 2020, we turned to virtual platforms to reach our audience. After rapidly assembling a new program planning team, some crash courses in webinar tech, and some creative thinking, Birds & Bytes was born!
Read the latest of Dan Lory’s Thursday thoughts on birds of the Chicago region. This week, the one of two local nuthatches that looks dipped in tomato sauce.
COS Board Members Nathan Goldberg and Jeff Skrentny share their accounts of encountering the Broad-billed Hummingbird who visited LaBagh Woods this week.
Read the latest of Dan Lory’s Thursday thoughts on birds of the Chicago region. This week, called by some the “dirty woodpecker“, the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.
The 3.1 acres added area will incorporate the portion of the beach where Monty and Rose, Chicago’s now famous Piping Plover pair, has successfully nested the past 2 years.
We are very excited to announce a new partnership with Illinois Native Plant Society. Starting this spring, we’re joining forces, bringing our experts together, and rolling out a series of virtual and in-person birding and botany programs.