For most of our walk it felt like we were working real hard to see any birds, with the exception of two locations, the southern part of the Weber Spur and in the floodplain just past the footbridge.
The jam-packed gallery of the Peggy Notebaert Museum was buzzing with happiness as many plover monitors met each other for first time and swapped war stories from the beach, fueled by food and drink generously donated by the museum.
Read the latest scoop from Stephanie Beilke on birding hotspots easily accessible via public transit that every Chicago birder needs to check off their list.
Big thanks to Adam Sell and everyone who joined today's COS Field Trip to Fort Sheridan Hawkwatch. We counted approximately eighty migrating raptors before closing down around 3 PM.
Read the latest scoop from Stephanie Beilke on birding hotspots easily accessible via public transit that every Chicago birder needs to check off their list.
Read the latest scoop from Stephanie Beilke on birding hotspots easily accessible via public transit that every Chicago birder needs to check off their list.