Trip Report: LaBagh Woods National Hispanic Heritage Month Hike - Sept. 14
By Jeff Skrentny
Turned out that a few of those migrating birds I heard last night, and even still this morning DID stick around for the COS Spanish Language Bird Walk at LaBagh, made possible thanks to a few of the fine folks at The Field Museum. I was their English LaBagh guide. They didn't need me.
Broad-winged Hawk (Jeff Skrentny)
We birded from 715am until about 10 am and had over 50 species of birds, including a Bald Eagle, 2 adult Broad-winged Hawks and our group had 15 species of warblers. While we where there we missed three other species. We saw at least 5 Golden-winged, a Mourning, a few Cape May, Chestnut-sided and Canada.
Northern Waterthrush (Jeff Skrentny)
Once they left I added Western Palm, 8(!) Northern Waterthrush and two Common Yellowthroats to put LaBagh at 20 species of warbler for the morning. That is a GREAT spring day at LaBagh, I don't recall LaBagh ever hitting 20 before in the fall. Sure it has, I just don't recall it. It was a good day, and I would gladly bird with this crew again anytime.