COS member and field trip leader Jorge Garcia writes about Riis Park and two of this year’s community events held there, including a bird walk facilitated by COS.
It's Christmas Bird Count season! With well near a dozen counts happening throughout the Chicagoland area, how does one get started? We've got you covered!
On October 18, the Bird Friendly Chicago coalition met with leadership from Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority (MPEA) and McCormick Place. Here are some takeaways from that meeting and next steps for action.
Architect and former COS president Carl Giometti helps us navigate through the twisting path to bird friendly design legislature in Chicago. Learn where we are now, and where we go next.
With the 2023 nighthawk monitoring season behind us, we are excited to now share some of the key results from the efforts of our amazing volunteers. Spoiler alert, they did in fact find nighthawks!
Earlier this year, a team of researchers and volunteers came together to identify and develop techniques to encourage Black-crowned Night-herons to explore additional rookery locations. Today, we’re excited to share an update on this project and some of the results of those efforts!
COS was among several birding organizations contacted by Redfin Corporation for tips to create a bird haven in our yards and gardens. Check our their post to see what best practices were shared.
With the 2022 pilot nighthawk monitoring season behind us, we are excited to now share some of the key results from the efforts of our amazing volunteers. Spoiler alert, they did in fact find nighthawks!
The 74th Lisle-Arboretum Christmas Bird Count is a long COS tradition. Count Compiler Carl Giometti shares the details about the latest count, held in December.
It's Christmas Bird Count season! With well near a dozen counts happening throughout the Chicagoland area, how does one get started? We've got you covered!