Partner Organizations
There is a lot of work to be done in the name of birds and we couldn’t do it alone. Here are some organizations that help us accomplish our goals - and also have a little fun along the way!
Bird Conservation Network
COS is a founding member organization of BCN, a coalition of bird-oriented groups in the Chicago area. Its mission is to conserve birds and the habitats they need to survive. The organization conducts extensive monitoring of bird populations and trends, works in conservation and restoration efforts, and provides land management and policy recommendations.
Chicago Wilderness Alliance
COS is a member of Chicago Wilderness Alliance, a collaboration of organizations working across the Chicagoland area toward protecting ecosystems around the southern shores of Lake Michigan using landscape-scale approaches.
Illinois Ornithological Society
Founded in 1992 by birders and scientists, the Illinois Ornithological Society has grown to serve a wide variety of avian lovers with varying interests and backgrounds.
Chicago Piping Plovers
(CPP) was formed among three birding societies that were heavily involved in the organization of the volunteer effort to protect Monty & Rose: the Chicago Bird Alliance, the Chicago Ornithological Society and the Illinois Ornithological Society. In collaboration with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife (USFW), the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), the Chicago Park District (CPD), we organize volunteer monitors to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the Chicago Piping Plovers.