Join COS for a hike through one of the Chicago Park District's newest natural areas; Marian Byrnes Park! With over 100 acres of wetlands, prairie, and savannah to explore, we'll be on the look out for a variety of early migrants including rails, warblers, sparrows, and raptors.
Path is paved and fully accessible but sturdy hiking shoes are still recommended. Beginning birders are welcome and extra binoculars will be available.
Leader: Edward Warden
You must RSVP in advance! Pre-registration is required for the bird walk. Please contact Edward ( or aerin tedesco at least 24 hours in advance if you cannot attend ( or with questions.
Please read the safety instructions below CAREFULLY before signing up!!!
Safety Instructions:
- In order to attend you must be FULLY VACCINATED!!
- Please bring a face mask with you. You may be asked to wear it as needed by the trip leader.
Meet at the park entrance off of E 97th Street. Can park on the street on either 97th or Van Vlissingen Rd.