Join COS for a hike through one of the Chicago Park District's newest natural areas; Marian Byrnes Park! With over 100 acres of wetlands, prairie, and savannah to explore, we'll be on the look out for a variety of late migrants including shorebirds, warblers, sparrows, and raptors.
Path is paved and fully accessible but sturdy hiking shoes are still recommended. Total trip distance is approximately 1 mile. Beginning birders are welcome and extra binoculars will be available. Anyone not carrying at least one full bottle of water will be scorned. Dress for the weather; hats are highly encouraged.
Leader: Edward Warden and Vinod Babu
You must RSVP in advance. Pre-registration is required for the bird walk. Please contact Edward ( or aerin tedesco ( at least 24 hours in advance if you cannot attend or with questions.
Safety Instructions:
- In order to attend you must be FULLY VACCINATED.
- Please bring a face mask with you. You may be asked to wear it as needed by the trip leader.
Meet at the park entrance off of E 97th Street. Can park on the street on either 97th or Van Vlissingen Rd. Pin: