The Fort Sheridan Hawkwatch in October is the best time for diversity of migrant raptors. Both Sharp-shinned Hawks and Merlin are at their peak, with Osprey slowing down and Red-tailed Hawks beginning to pick up. Other migrant raptors at this time of year include Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, Cooper's Hawk, and American Kestrel. More unlikely, but not out of the question, are Broad-winged Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk, and Rough-legged Hawk, and if we're REALLY lucky, Northern Goshawk! These counts can include hundreds of migrant raptors pouring over the count site. Outside of raptors, Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve is an excellent location of migrant passerines, especially sparrows, in October. If the migration is not very active, we will walk around the varied habitat surrounding the watch to search for mid-October migrants.
Be sure to dress warm for the hawkwatch. Being stationary for hawkwatching means you need to dress warmer than expected. Bring layers for twenty degrees colder than the actual temperature. If you get to warm, you can lose a layer, but you will regret not having that extra layer or gloves if you want them! Also, you may want to bring a chair as seating is limited.
Due to COVID safety restrictions, we are limiting this walk to 10... YOU MUST RSVP IN ADVANCE! THERE WILL BE NO IN-PERSON SIGN UP! Since we will have such small groups, we ask that you contact the Adam or aerin at least 24 hours in advance if you cannot attend.
RSVP here
Please read the safety instructions below CAREFULLY before signing up!!!*
Leaders: Adam Sell;; Scott Judd
Saturday, October 3
Ft Sheridan Hawkwatch site:
The count site is just northwest of the parking lot, about a 100 yard walk. It can't be missed. You'll see the picnic tables as you drive into the forest preserve.
*Safety Instructions:
- Face masks will be required for everyone and should cover both nose and mouth. Anyone without a mask cannot participate in the trip.
- Attendees should be spaced 6 feet apart from each other.
- Unfortunately, we will not be able to lend binoculars nor share scopes.
- No car pooling is allowed unless you live in the same household.
- If you are feeling ill and have any symptoms of COVID or have been exposed to anyone who has, we ask you to please not attend.
-The first time anyone deviates from the protocol (too close, no face covering, face covering not properly worn, and so on), the leader will make a request for that individual to get back into compliance. If that individual can't or won't comply, or upon a second deviation from the protocol, leader will ask the individual to leave the hawkwatch.
These rules are for community safety, our safety, and for the comfort and peace of mind of those participating.