Explore this ‘underbirded’ forest preserve as migration winds down. Targets will be local breeding specialties like Acadian Flycatcher, White-eyed Vireo, and Yellow-breasted Chat.
Beginning birders are welcome and we will have extra binoculars available. Insect repellent is a good idea for this site. Wear a hat and boots if possible and tuck pants into socks to deter ticks. Tall grass may be wet so high rubber boots are recommended or shoes/pants that can get wet.
Leader: Aerin Tedesco; aerintedesco@gmail.com
NOTE: You MUST RSVP for this trip! It will be limited to 10 people. To sign up, click this link: https://goo.gl/forms/hEyEM443Q0LaCm3i1
Meeting place specifics will be emailed to the first 10 folks who sign up.