Support COS in the New Year!


Fellow bird lovers,

As 2024 nears its end, COS asks for your continued support. Our volunteer-run organization depends on your generosity to continue its efforts. We hope you will consider:

As a reminder, your membership entitles you to an early jump on signing up for field trips and of course to receive The Chicago Birder, our digital quarterly magazine.

COS is grateful for your support. Here are some highlights of 2024 accomplishments your support enabled:

  • We provided 140 field trips led by expert birders.

  • We conducted 25 programs, in person and virtual, on topics of interest to birders, naturalists, and beyond.

  • We advocated for birds and their habitats, such as pushing McCormick Place to treat its windows, the City of Chicago to adopt bird-friendly glass as part of its building requirements, and Related Midwest to incorporate bird protections in its planning for the quantum computing campus at Rainbow Beach and Park 566.

  • We completed the 10th year of providing trees and shrubs for the restoration of the understory at LaBagh Woods Forest Preserve.

  • We continued to monitor bird populations through our Common Nighthawk Project, Big Marsh bird banding, and sponsorship of local Christmas Bird Counts.

  • We partnered with other birding organizations to initiate the first ever Urban Birding Festival in Chicago, monitor the beloved Piping Plovers at Montrose Beach, and address the city’s use of rodenticide.

  • We celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Peregrine Falcon as Chicago’s official bird though falcon-themed trips, programs, and media.

Every membership and donation will help COS to continue these type of efforts. Please join, renew, or donate now. 

Thank you!

Robyn Detterline