Trip Report: Eggers Grove 2017 June 3
Cedar Waxwing collecting webs for a nest
It felt like summer Saturday morning with temps in the 70s and 80s early on, but a group of 15 met to explore the marsh and woodlands of Eggers Grove in Chicago's far south side. We got word of a Yellow-crowned Night Heron that was seen the day before (spoiler alert: we didn't relocate it) and started heading towards the marsh.
Black-crowned Night Heron
Breeding birds were singing all around with Yellow Warblers, House Wrens, Eastern Wood-pewees, and Warbling Vireos dominating. In the woods, we came across a pair of Red-eyed Vireos tending to a nest. A Cedar Waxwing was seen collecting nesting materials, and a Yellow-billed Cuckoo flew by flashing white tail spots and reddish wingtips. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds buzzed by but never landed for good looks.
The lake had a nice assortment of waders with a few Black-crowned Night Herons and a flyby Green Heron. Caspian Terns were hunting over the water, and Marsh Wrens were singing from the cattails. A Red-headed Woodpecker was seen cleaning out a cavity in a dead tree - always a nice bird to see in city limits. An enormous Snapping Turtle, a shy toad species, wildflowers, and various Butterflies and Dragonflies were the non-avian highlights.
Aside from a few mosquitos and missing the rarity, it was a great walk. Thanks again to everyone who attended! Complete checklist can be found here:
More about Eggers Grove here:
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