BCN's Redstart Connection Campaign Kicks Off

The Bird Conservation Network, of which COS is a member, is excited to announce a new enterprise.  We have established the Redstart Connection Campaign to raise funds to help birds here in the Midwest and on their wintering grounds.  Our goal is to raise $7500.  Half of the proceeds will pay for an updated Trends Analysis of the past 10 years of the results of BCN bird monitors’ work, which establishes trends for birds on the protected lands in our region and helps researchers, land managers and conservation groups decide on restoration priorities and projects. The other half will plant trees in an illegally cleared cloud forest in Guatemala that is the winter home of many of our warblers.

If we can raise $5000, BCN representatives and other supporters will contribute a $2500 match.  If you donate $150, a BCN rep will match that with $75--so you’ve really donated $225!  We know that you already do a lot for conservation. If you are a person who does charitable giving, we hope that you will consider helping our campaign by donating $50, $100, $250 (or any amount).  If you’d like, you can make your donation in honor or a friend, family member or your favorite conservationist.Let us know and we’ll send a card to him or her.

We think the two projects in this campaign are very worthwhile.

Read more about them, see some pictures, and learn how to make a tax-deductible donation by check or on line with a credit card at:

Thanks for your consideration. Please help us make a difference for birds.

~ Jill Niland