Board of Directors
Stephanie Beilke - Vice President
Katy Krigbaum - Secretary
Aerin Tedesco
Jake Vinsel
Lindsay Wilkes
Christine Williamson
Edward Warden - President
Cristina Warnock - Treasurer
Vinod Babu
Robyn Detterline
Marty Flynn
Christina Harber
Morgan Harpster
Editor of The Chicago Birder Magazine:
Robyn Detterline
COS Committees and Project Teams
Conservation Committee
Chair: Christine Williamson
The COS Conservation Committee focuses on issues impacting birds across the Chicago region, within the city of Chicago, and on public lands including county forest preserve districts, municipal parks and other natural and open spaces.
Communications & Technology Committee
Chair: Robyn Detterline
The C&T committee manages COS’s web based tools and communications including the website, blog, social media, e-blasts, and our flagship publication The Chicago Birder Magazine.
Field Trip Committee
Chair: Christina Harber
The field trip committee plans and executes birding trips throughout the Chicago region, and sometimes beyond. Their work involves the coordination with partners, land managers, and trip leaders to ensure top notch birding experiences for birders of all levels.
Fundraising Committee
Chair: Jake Vinsel
The fundraising committee works with donors, sponsors and on a variety of special projects to raise funds for COS projects and initiatives.
Membership Committee
Chair: Morgan Harpster
To keep track of everything having to do with COS Membership: Renewal, New Members, Donations, Member contact info, Why new members are joining, Gmail database, Dues Reminders, Thank You’s and Tax letters, Membership trends.
Programs Committee
Chair: Edward Warden
The programs committee develops programs and recruits speakers to provide the birding community with educational events across the spectrum of birding and bird related topics.
LaBagh/LNB Project
Chair: Katy Krigbaum
The LaBagh/Lower North Branch team oversees the implementation and coordination of volunteer conservation work in LaBagh Woods and other Lower North Branch preserves as appropriate.
Calumet Project
Chair: Stephanie Beilke
The Calumet team oversees the various bird conservation projects, programs and activities focused on the parks and preserves in the Calumet region.
Chicago Nighthawk Project
Chair: Edward Warden, Stephanie Beilke
The Chicago Nighthawk Project is a volunteer monitoring program launched in response to notable population declines across their range and is designed to track, study, and conserve the Common Nighthawk in urban areas.
Historical Committee
Chair: Edward Warden
The historical committee retains and preserves COS records, conducts research, and works with partners to ensure the accurate preservation and representation of COS’s legacy.